Monday, June 24, 2013

Finding My Motivation Again!

So, as promised previously, here comes the ‘Mommy Fitness’ section of my blog! I have been procrastinating in getting this started because once I start blogging about it I’ll have to be accountable! That’s not a bad thing though, it should help keep me motivated and maybe I will stick to my workouts better! Because I run a day-home, I am always busy watching my kids and other people’s kids from 7 am till 7 pm sometimes! After they leave, I have to get my kids ready for bed, clean my house, (which is usually destroyed) and try to get some ME time in after that. Sometimes this seems impossible! In addition to my day-home, I’ve also been helping my hubby start a business from the ground up, which has been proving to be a lot of work. My challenge lately, is trying to make the time to work out, when I am physically and mentally exhausted! But I am going to try!
Ummm, sometimes i'm not so sure that is possible!
So, here’s my fitness story! I have always enjoyed being active, I played soccer for years as a kid and then in university I started doing gym workouts. I love to work out, eat healthy, and feel the extra energy that comes from living a physically active lifestyle. After having 2 kids, I had to really work to get back into pre-baby shape. With K-aos I gained 70lbs, as a result of eating so many double cheeseburgers from McDonalds, (extra pickles no onions) and cereal bowls full of ice cream. I hadn’t intended to gain so much weight, but by the end of my pregnancy I was gaining 10lbs a week. My family doctor kept asking, “What are you eating? You have to stop drinking so much juice!” blah blah blah! I did what many women do during their first pregnancy and ate whatever I wanted. I have always been a “skinny bitch” as my momma calls me (she is just joking around) so I wasn’t worried about it! I actually lost the 70lbs relatively quick after K-aos was born; she was after all an 8lb baby. When I was prego with Little J, I gained 55lbs. I ate a lot healthier for that pregnancy, but despite my healthier efforts I still gained a lot of weight! He was a 9.5 lb. baby. Thank goodness for C-sections! J After Little J’s birth, I struggled much more to lose the baby weight this time. I was crazy busy with my 2 kids; however, the belly bulge just above the C-section scar remained. So, it was time to do something about it! For my New Year’s resolution (2012), I resolved to get in good shape. I started off by cutting out all the junk, white bread (Only wholegrain bread), and Pepsi (this one was hard!). I also started doing Turbo Jam again. I am such an advocate for this one! Turbo jam first caught my attention on a silly infomercial, but I was sold! I did the ‘Ab Jam’ dvd everyday (it’s a 20 minute workout) and the ‘20 minute’ workout dvd. Occasionally, I did the Cardio Party dvd; however, not as often because of all the kicks involved (I have wonky knees!). I also did some weight training in our home gym, but nothing crazy. After 2 weeks, I was addicted to working out again, and at my strongest I was doing and insane amount of ab work everyday, 300 jumping jacks, 40 pushups(in a row) and a lot more bodyweight workouts (check out body rock too)!
Confession: This winter I lost it! :( I indulged in far too much delivery pizza and chicken wings. I still ate healthy for the most part, but those late night cravings for delivery won me over. I have slowly stopped doing my dvds, and have barely gone to hot yoga. So it’s time to kick it in to high gear again. I CAN DO THIS! :S
This time I have more specific goals that I want to put into place:
Let’s start with some ‘naggy tasks’, that I have been intending on doing for a long time, and just haven’t bothered doing.
Naggy task 1: Although I am pretty skinny; I like to be strong and slim. I have a hard time putting muscle on my legs because of my knees (my knees turn in). So, one of those ‘naggy tasks’ that I have been meaning to do for a long time (but I keep putting off), is to meet with an orthopedist. I am positive that with the right orthotics that I can start fixing this wonky knee issue and have more success with running and putting some meat on my legs J
Naggy task 2: I have had some stomach issues basically my whole life, IBS runs in my family, and many things can cause my stomach to ache and bloat (bell peppers, milk, onions etc.). I would really like to pinpoint what is causing all my crazy stomach bloat. I can go from having a really flat tummy one minute and then look like I am 6 months pregnant within a matter of minutes. Last year, when I was working out like crazy, I was taking Iso-Sensations natural flavored protein. I noticed that my stomach was bloating all the time. After buying several buckets of that protein, I decided to switch it up (even though the Iso-Sensations one was $30.00 cheaper). The only difference between the new protein I bought and the old one, was that it’s lacking a gluten based glutamine peptide product, which can cause celiac symptoms. The IsoFlex protein, I can use with relatively no bloat. So, I am thinking maybe I have a gluten sensitivity, which I have been worried about for a while. So, it’s time to meet with a nutritionist or a doctor to have a gluten allergy test done. I am almost 30 years old, so it’s about time that I got my digestive issues figured out!

Besides my ‘naggy tasks’ that I need to do: here are some other fitness goals and things I would like to do, that will aid me in getting into my best shape yet!
·         Do more yoga: (I love hot yoga, but I have slacked off! I find it’s great for my stress and for my flexibility, so hot yoga here I come!)
·         Bike more: I have a great bike that I haven’t used yet this spring, simply because it has 2 flats. Apparently I need a “chuck” or whatever that is. So, I am going to figure this out!
·         Buy new sneakers: I would love to have a new pair of trainers and a pair of runners, mine are in brutal shape. I guess I will wait until I see an orthopedist before I take on this one though.
·         Start a reward program for myself: For example, if I get ‘X’ number of good workouts in, maybe I will splurge and get some new workout clothes. You know it’s true what they say, if you look good and feel good about yourself when you are working out, then you tend to give better workouts. I am pretty sure Oprah said this at one point. Haha

Where I was last year this time, and where i want to be again!
Well there you have it! I’m ready to start getting into shape again, and this time I am going to tackle the challenges I was facing before. I am going to do posts about my progress and my struggles. You may find that I post things about healthy eating as well! We’ll see! I hope that I can make the time to do it.. Please feel free to leave comments on my posts and share your fitness challenges and stories as well! I am always looking for pointers so please feel free to share! If you have advice on making more time to work out, I could use that too!!!    

xo Amy

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Magic Eyes (One Of My Favorite Parenting Ploys)

As a kid, I was always amazed when my mom could tell if I was up to something, even when she was in another room. I have cleverly inherited this genetic, and have magic eyes as well. J The magic  eyes kick into high gear, the moment my house gets quiet. A little TOO quiet!
Me: “K-aos! What are you doing?”
K-aos: “Nothing!”
I’ve learned that Nothing usually means Something.
And sure enough, if I go into the room where she’s hiding out, she’ll be doing something that she probably shouldn’t be doing.
 I have convinced her over the last couple of years, that I have magic eyes in the back of my head, hiding underneath my hair. She’s amazed that I can see her doing things, even when I’m not looking in her direction! Quite often, she asks to see them, but I have explained to her, that if I show them to her, they won’t work anymore. Now that she’s 5, she’s doubted the factualness of my enchanting eyes…
Last week, I told her to go upstairs, get her jammies on and go pee before bed. She was super-fast so I KNOW that she hadn’t gone to the washroom. I said, “Remember! I have magic eyes! I know you didn’t go!” So she goes to the bathroom again, and once more was a little too fast. She yells, “Ok I peed!”
I knew what was going on right away; she was testing me to see if my magic eyes were real! So, I say “K-aos!  Do you really think my magic eyes would let me down? You can’t trick them!” She gasps in amazement! “How did you know?”
What can I say? You can’t pull the wool over these eyes! Good ol' mother's intuition!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Let Them Be Little

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Speaking of Colourful Confessions, this one I just have to share! Recently when one of my day-home moms dropped off her 2 kids for the day, she laughed “You would not believe what E. did while I was in the shower! I was only 2 minutes I swear!”  When she came out she discovered That Princess E. had coloured her younger brother, from head to toe in blue marker.
Later that day when I was changing Captain C’s diaper, I discovered that he still had some blue marker on him. His sister had literally coloured EVERYTHING, including his genitals and anus with the blue marker! Bahaha! (Seriously what goes through kids’ minds sometimes?)
Later when their mom came to pick them up, I chuckled “Even his bum was blue!”
Then she looked at me and declared, “Kids can be so dumb!"
Unexpectedly, we both looked at each other and power laughed! A “Mom Power Laugh!” Like it was the most hilarious thing we’d ever heard! NOT because we actually believe kids are dumb (kids surprise me every day with just how smart they actually are), but because we shared a mutual understanding of what she meant by it. You just never know what these crazy little creatures are going to do next on their quest for knowledge and understanding. Sometimes they turn the ‘normalest’ of activities into something ridiculous and funny!
This is what makes parenting so much fun. Sharing in our children’s journeys of discovery and letting kids be kids. As hard as it is sometimes to let go of our “inner control freak,” letting them be little, and learn in their own way is so important. Eating the play dough, dumping out all the toys, jumping  in mud puddles, getting dirty and climbing on the table, are all just ways that kids learn about this crazy world we live in. Sometimes cheap fun (where we don’t have to go out and spend a small fortune) can be the MOST fun!
Anyways, I could ramble all day! But, this is a perfect example of a story that they better hope we forget about,by the time they’re teenagers! :D

Monday, June 17, 2013

My Little Camera Rebel

(And I am not talking about my ‘Canon Rebel’ either!)

Well I hope everyone had a terrific Father’s day weekend! A big thumbs up to all the amazing Fathers out there (HI DAD! I love you!). My weekend was pretty uneventful except for that I wiped out on our front steps in wet flip-flops, skinned my knee and ripped a hole in my favorite jeans! Besides that, I spent most of the weekend stressing out over our family pictures! We booked a time slot with Belle Photography and Design, who was doing a family mini marathon photo day on Sunday. This means, I got a 1 hour time slot and a cd with all the pictures that she took. I hadn’t had pictures taken of Little-J since he was really little, and he’s almost 2! Our daughter, K-aos had pictures taken twice by the time she was that old! It’s the whole second child syndrome!
 Little J’s first professional pictures I had taken when he was a newborn.  I have always loved those beautiful sleeping newborn pictures, where the babies look so innocent and angelic! Curled up in little furry blankets or wearing cute little angel wings! I thought it would be easy! I made sure he was fed and napping when the photographer got here; however, he woke up shortly thereafter and cried basically the whole time. Not only that, they had brought the cutest little knit hammock and diaper cover, which he proceeded to poop in, pee in, and throw up on. He showed me just how much he liked pictures! It was madness!  Why me?
So yesterday, we attempted professional pics with him once again (2 years later). It was quite surprising that we arrived only 20 minutes late for our appointment! Why does it seem so impossible sometimes to get everyone dressed and out of the house on time? (This time wasn’t even really our fault either; we were stuck in some really awful road construction.) It had been raining all weekend, but it let up just before our pictures. Whoo hoo!  So things were looking pretty good, and I was optimistic that things were going to go well.  I must say, Little-J looked pretty darn cute in his new threads and his fresh hair cut! He looked like such a little man!
So what do you think? Did the pictures go well? Was my little monkey perfectly poised?
Ummm not quite! Little-J would NOT sit still, he refused to sit on any of the props for more than 15 seconds, and he wouldn’t smile or look at the camera! The photographer (who was great, and very patient) even had a cute little Elmo that wrapped around her camera lens, but that didn’t work either. He knew exactly what he was doing and wanted nothing to do with the camera! The little rascal! K-aos on the other hand, was a perfect little model! She loved the attention. We could have taken her picture all day long. Oh well. Maybe next year!  I’m sure our photographer captured some good shots; I just hope there is one where Little-J is smiling a little bit! J If anyone has any tips for getting an almost 2-year old to sit and have his picture taken, fire away!  I guess the old saying is true “a picture is worth a thousand words”, and we were at least able to capture the true spirit of a toddler! Which is rebellion! Why do 2 year olds have to be so darn difficult? I guess I should just be grateful that he didn’t puke on anyone this time!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Storm’s Brewing! Let’s Recharge!

Thunderstorm over Edmonton from
The afternoon has been hot, muggy, sticky, and as I wipe off the last of the orange Creamsicle from Little J’s hands and face, the winds begin to pick up, the trees start swaying and I see in the west the menacing apocalyptic clouds moving in. Within minutes, the first large drops of rain begin to fall, and as predicted, I hear a clap of thunder…
One of the things I look forward to the most about summers here in the prairies, are the almost nightly electrical storms that move in. Just as all the stress and tension of the day builds up, one storm can seem to relieve all the stress and tension both from life and in the unstable atmosphere. The deafening booms of thunder, and the blinding illuminated sky, are exciting and exactly what I need to make me feel alive after a day of the mundane.
 It’s almost a guarantee that every other evening here in the prairies that we’ll get a refreshing thunderstorm to break up the mugginess. I love to sit with the windows open, feeling the wind blow thru and listen to the storm. The kids too, have developed my love of a good storm, and press their little faces up to the windows to watch the rain and flashes of lightening. If my husband is home, he often says, “Get those kids away from the windows!” and “Shut the doors!” Growing up it seemed that I was never frightened of these storms, nor did I feel the need to be. It seems like older generations are more apt to be cautious when the thunder roars. I’ve never really given it a second thought.
Last summer my sister was at a wedding rehearsal at Celtic Lodge on Cape Breton Island, (check it out, it’s so nice! when a thunder storm blew in. She was leaning against a deck railing on a cottage when there was a HUGE clap of thunder and lightning struck about 10 feet behind her. She leapt across the deck, her heart pounding in her throat. The lightning strike was close enough that the alarms went off in the cottage and she felt charged the whole night. Although this makes for quite the story, it had to be frightening none the less!
So, now I’ve decided that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to do a little research, on what one should Really do when there is a thunderstorm warning. Maybe I should actually teach my kids, that pressing their faces up to the window screens might not be a great idea.
                                           kiddos watching a storm summer 2012 :S
"If you can see it, flee it; If you can hear it, clear it."
Ok. So there it is. A one sentence rule of thumb to follow! I was actually quite surprised by some of the information I came across with the CCOHS (Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety).
Did you know?
·    Lightning kills six to twelve people every year in Canada, and seriously injures another sixty or seventy people
·    A lightning bolt is a million times more powerful than household current, carrying up to 100 million volts of electricity. When someone is struck by lightning, an electrical shock occurs that can cause burns and even stop the person's breathing.
·    Although thunder and lightning can occur occasionally during a snowstorm, April to October are the prime thunderstorm months in Canada. Thunderstorms occur most often in late afternoon or evening, and around sunrise.
·    Because light travels faster than sound, you will see lightning before you hear the thunder. Each second between the flash and the thunderclap represents about 300 meters. If you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance.
What to do during a storm:
·         The number one thing to do during a storm is to go to a safe location in a large permanent building or metal vehicle is best. Please note that tractors, golf carts, and topless or soft-top vehicles are NOT safe! Unsafe places are near metal or water; under trees; on hills; near electrical equipment.
·         When inside a vehicle during a lightning storm, roll up the windows and sit with your hands on your lap and wait out the storm. Don’t touch and part of the metal frame or any wired device in the vehicle (including the steering wheel or plugged-in cell phone). A direct strike to your car will flow through the frame of the vehicle and usually jump over or through the tires to reach the ground.
·         If you are with a group of people in the open, spread out several meters apart from one another.
·          If you get caught in a level field, far from shelter, crouch down on the balls of your feet immediately, with feet together, place your arms around your knees and bend forward. Be the smallest target possible, and at the same time, minimize your contact with the ground. Don’t lie flat!
·         If you are in a building, stay away from doors, windows and fireplaces.
So there you have it! Some do’s and don’t do’s for your next powerful summer thunderstorm! The kids and I are about to do a unit on weather, so I think it will be fun to incorporate a “What to do during a thunderstorm” activity! Better safe than sorry!
Xo Amy
(Not so sure I can change my ways though!)


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Savvy Steals and Frugal Finds

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          As mentioned in my happiness project blog, one of my steps to happiness includes pursuing passions and making time for fun. Gretchen Rubin, of The Happiness Project, suggests that “a collection provides a mission, a reason to visit new places, the excitement of the chase…and often, a bond with other people.” Sounds fun right? I love decorating, collecting and pretty things, (including vintage items) and I enjoy the thrill of the hunt; whether, it is surfing on kijiji, visiting antique stores or going to garage sales. I am lucky because this is something my husband enjoys as well. He loves a fun repurposing project!
As a child, my parents used to drag us to yard-sales on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the Annapolis Valley. Unlike here in the city, the yard-sales were usually far and few between. This meant long drives and 3 of us crammed in the backseat. God forbid I was the unfortunate one stuck in the middle. My father liked to stop at the sales with lots of tools or farm equipment, which was very dull, for my twin sisters and I tagging along in the hot car.
          Now as an adult, I have come to enjoy yard-sales, and it’s a favorite pastime on the weekends for my family and I (we’re such geeks I know!). Here on the outskirts of the city there are so many! You don’t have to plan a route or scope out the night before where you might head. There are brightly colored signs on every corner and every turn. Each one competing with one another, to see who can make the best sign. They add streamers, balloons, even stick them on 10’ high posts… you get my drift. Sometimes it’s fun just to talk to the people at the sales! We met the cutest elderly couple on the weekend, who we probably could have talked to forever! Maybe it’s like I mentioned before, we don’t get out enough! J
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        I love treasure hunting, and you just never know when you are going to stumble upon a gem! So I thought it might be fun to show off some of my frugal finds over the summer, both from garage sales and kijiji, which we are also addicted to checking out! (I should mention that although I have a more modern sense of home décor, I like to integrate some older pieces as well… is that shabby chic?)
Please feel free to share with me your bargain finds and comment when you feel I got ripped off! (or just bought JUNK) Trust me I don’t mind! 
This past weekend, I found this little gem at the yard-sale with the elderly couple I mentioned previously. It sits about 8 inches tall from the bottom of the nut to the tip of the tail. It opens up, and can be used as a candy dish etc. I think it will be adorable for fall décor. I plan on placing it on a table with some small pumpkins or gourds and adding some fall foliage! I think it will be really cute! I asked the elderly lady if there was any story behind it, but she said “Nope, no story, just that my sister made it in a ceramics class.” Umm… I am not so sure I believe that! But anyways…. how do you like my nut?